Branch 2 update! New Boba Truck is now available!!

I'm happy to announce new major update. Boba branch 2 is now open and waiting for you to taking care of.

Branch 2 is a Boba Truck. A movable Boba shop with the mission to spread your yummy Boba Tea around the world.

The Boba Truck has limited stock storage but upgradable.
Since it is parking near Supermarket you can now buy your stock from that. Supermarket will give you a better restock cost if you buy in a big chunk. But beware! If you bought mindlessly your storage will be full and it will be hard to manage later!

Your Boba Truck changes parking location from time to time. That's why your customers can be change and their preference change too. Keep your eye on the Likeness to adjust your recipe according to new customer in the area.

The game now has AUTO SAVE feature. When you unlock a new branch, it will save. And you can access unlocked branch later. But because this never implemented before, therefore, to access the Boba Truck you need to finish the first branch again, sorry for your inconvenience.

Wishing you a great Boba Shop owner!

- Napas Torteeka -

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